

Cao Yue holds a bachelor's degree in Architecture and a PhD in Landscape Architecture from Tsinghua University. He is an Associate Professor, Special research fellow, PhD Supervisor in the Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. His research focuses on national parks and protected areas, wilderness conservation and rewilding, biodiversity, climate change, and landscape planning and design. He is a member of the Wilderness Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Rewilding Thematic Group of IUCN, and serves as a Youth Committee member of the Committee of Territorial Landscape of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture and the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture. He was selected for the 2023-2025 Young Talent Program by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology.

Dr. Cao serves as a youth editorial board member for journals such as Ecological Frontiers, Natural Protected Area(自然保护地), and Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry(中国城市林业). He has been a guest editor for special issues of journals including Land , Frontiers in Conservation Science, Natural Protected Areas(自然保护地), and Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry(中国城市林业). He has reviewed for various Chinese and English journals. He has published over 60 papers in top journals such as Science Advances, Landscape and Urban Planning, Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), receiving multiple awards for excellent papers from publications like Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林)and Landscape Architecture(风景园林. Cao has delivered over 30 presentations at national and international academic conferences. He has led or participated in over 20 important research and practical projects, including projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Forestry and Grass Administration, and the National Development and Reform Commission. He also carried out scientific research and landscape planning projects in Giant Panda National Park, Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, Wuyi Mountain National Park, Three-River Source National Park, and other protected areas of international and national importance such as Mount Tai, Mount Huang, Mount Wuyi, Northwest Yunnan, and Mount Helan.

Course Teaching

Dr. Cao Yue teaches multiple courses at the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, including "Exploring Nature" "Architectural Design Studio (Part 2)" "Foundation of Design (3)" "Landscape Architecture Practice" "Architecture, City, and Landscape Design" "Design Topics" and "Comprehensive Thesis Training". At Xiuzhong College of Tsinghua University, he teaches courses such as "Natural Observation and Survey" and "Sustainable Development Exploration". Additionally, He has also supervised SRT projects like "Global National Parks Case Studies" and "A Study of the Impact of Wilderness Landscape Experience on Human Well-being". Dr. Cao planned and participated in Tsinghua University's Global Open Courses on "National Parks and Protected Areas of China".

Research Projects

[1]  Identification of Characteristics and Causal Inference of Ecological Integrity Damage in National Parks: A Case Study of Giant Panda National Park, National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, 2025-2027, Team leader

[2]  Research on the Cultivation of Creativity in Architecture Students through Interdisciplinary Collaboration: A Case Study of the Course Reform of "Exploring Nature" Tsinghua University Teaching Research and Reform Project, 2024-2025, Team leader

[3]  Multi-scenario Spatial-temporal Measurement and Planning Response of Climate Connectivity in China’s Protected Areas, 2024-2027, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Team Member

[4]  Scientific Investigation of Helan Mountain Forest Resources, commissioned by Helan Mountain National Nature Reserve Administration of Ningxia, 2023-2025, Team leader

[5]  Educational Innovation Research for Sustainable Development in the University of East Asia, 2023-2024 Tsinghua University-Tohoku University International Cooperation Project for Independent Scientific Research, 2023-2024, Team Member

[6]  Preliminary Planning and Planning of Major Investment Projects in the Field of Landscaping (Ecological protection and Restoration) (Package 6 - Restoration Project of Important Natural Protected Areas and Species Habitats), commissioned by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscaping, 2023, Team Member

[7]  Study on Sustainable Development Path of National Park Communities, Emergency Management Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023, Team Member

[8]  Research on Multi-scale Wilderness Mapping and Conservation Strategies under the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, International Cooperation Project of Independent Scientific Research Project of Tsinghua University, 2022-2023, Team leader

[9]  Study on Regulation Rules for Development and Construction Activities within the Red Line of Ecological Protection, commissioned by China National Land Surveying and Planning Institute, 2022, Team Member

[10] 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Chengdu Protected Area System (Including Research on Innovative Development of Protected Area from the Perspective of Park City), commissioned by Chengdu Park City Construction and Development Research Institute, 2022, Team Member

[11] Research on Evaluation of Ecological Efficiency and Conservation Effectiveness in Chengdu Area of Giant Panda National Park, commissioned by Chengdu Administration Bureau of Giant Panda National Park, 2022, Team Member

[12] Wuyi Mountain National Park Wilderness Survey and Participatory Mapping Project, horizontal research project commissioned by Wuyi Mountain National Park Scientific Research Monitoring Center, 2021-2022, Team Member (Technical Instructor)

[13]  Study on International Experience and Internationalization of Tropical Rainforest National Park, commissioned by Hainan National Park Research Institute, 2021, Sub-project Leader

[14] Research on the Spatial Pattern and Conservation Mechanism Optimization of Wilderness areas in China under the Background of National Parks, 2020-2023, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Team Member

[15] Analysis and Suggestions on Land Management in China’s Nature Reserves, 2019, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Team Member

[16] Status Quo Assessment, Problem Analysis and Reform Proposals of Protected Areas in China, 2019, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Team Member

[17] Improvement on Protection and Management Policies of China’s Nature Reserves, 2019, National Development and Reform Commission, Team Member

[18] Strategic Planning of National Parks in Northwest Yunnan Province, 2019, Paulson Institute, Team Member

[19] Guidelines on National Park planning in China, 2017 Paulson Institute & Heren Institute & National Development and Reform Commission, Team Member

[20] Preliminary Study on the Reform of China’ s National Parks and Protected Areas, 2016, National Development and Reform Commission, Team Member

[21] The Management Plan for Mount Huang World Heritage Site, 2016, Mount Huang National Park, Team Member

[22] Landscape Planning in Chongli District for the 2022 Winter Olympics, 2016, Chongli District Government, Team Member

[23] A Study on the Conservation and Monitoring of Chinese National Parks Based on the Outstanding Value Identification, 2015-2018, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Team Member

[24] Guidelines on Creation of National Parks System of China, 2015, Paulson Institute & Heren Institute & National Development and Reform Commission, Team Member

[25] Research on Planning of Mount Wuyi National Park and Protected Areas System, 2015, Paulson Institute & Heren Institute, Team Member

[26] Resource Protection and Recreation Opportunity Planning in Maduo National Park, 2015, Three River Source National Park, Team Member

[27] Theoretical and Practical Research on the Creation and Development of Chinese National Park System, 2014-2019, National Social Science Foundation of China, Team Member

 [28] Master Plan for Mount Tai Scenic Area (2016-2035), 2014, Mount Tai Management Committee, Team Member

[29] Management Plan for Mount Tai World Cultural Heritage Site (2016-2035), 2014, Mount Tai Management Committee, Team Member


Books or book chapter:

[1]    Yang, R., Cao, Y., Carver, S., Yu, L. (eds.) (2023). National Parks and Protected Areas (Special Issue published online in Land (ISSN 2073-445X))

[2]    Cao, Y., Hou, S., Carver, S., Convery, I., Zhao, Z., Yang, R. (2022). Eco-civilization provides new opportunities for rewilding in Routledge Handbook of Rewilding (Edited by Sally Hawkins, Ian Convery, Steve Carver, Rene Beyers),

Peer-reviewed manuscript (*corresponding author, # co-first author)

[1]    Weng, A., Liao, L.*, Cao, Y.*, Carver, S., Lin, L., Shen, S., Xu, Z., Dong, J., Lan, S., & Yang, R. (2024). Different people, different wild: Comparing and mapping wilderness representation in wuyishan national park, China. Geography and Sustainability, 5, 144–156.

[2]    Hou, S., Yang, R.*, Zhao, Z., Cao, Y., Tseng, T. H., Wang, F., Wang, X. & Yu, L. (2024). A cost-effective approach to identify conservation priority for 30× 30 biodiversity target on the premise of food security. Science of The Total Environment, 172870.

[3]    Wang, F., Zhao, Z., Wang, P., Zhong, L., Yang, S., Tang, J., Hou, S., Tseng T., Cao, Y., & Yang, R.* (2024). Over 1/4 of China's terrestrial area significantly contributed both to biodiversity conservation and carbon neutrality, requiring protection. Science of The Total Environment, 912, 169070.

[4]    Zhang, X., Lin, E. S.*, Tan, P. Y., Qi, J., Ho, R., Sia, A., Waykool, R., Song, X., Chudzicka-Czupała, A., Meng, L. & Cao, Y. (2024). Beyond just green: Explaining and predicting restorative potential of urban landscapes using panorama-based metrics. Landscape and Urban Planning, 247, 105044.

[5]    Qu, Y., Gong, H., Zheng, Y.*, Shi, J.*, Zeng, X., Yang, H., Wang, J., Niu, Z., Li, L., Wang, S., Zhao, T., Cao, Y., Wang, Z., Mao, D., Jia, M., Guo, K., Gong, P., Cui, G., & Huang, X. (2024). Global conservation priorities for wetlands and setting post-2025 targets. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 4.

[6]    Li, Z., Shen, Q., Fan, W., Dong, S.*, Wang, Z., Xu, Y., Ma, T. & Cao, Y. (2024). Nature-Based Solutions vs. Human-Induced Approaches for Alpine Grassland Ecosystem: “Climate-Help” Overwhelms “Human Act” to Promote Ecological Restoration in the Three-River-Source Region of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Remote Sensing, 16(7), 1156.

[7]    Xu, Z., Liao, L.*, Hou, S., Gan, Q., Shen, S., Cao, Y., & Lan, S. (2024). Modeling multi-scale relationships between wilderness area changes and potential drivers: Evidence from the southeast coastal area of China. Journal for Nature Conservation, 126583.

[8]    Yuan, X., Li, X., Yu, L.*, Liu, T., & Cao, Y. (2024). Assessing quantity and spatial patterns of greenspaces in Chinese universities for enhancing sustainable development. Higher Education Quarterly, 00, e12550.

[9]    Cao, Y., Wang, F., Tseng, T. H., Carver, S., Chen, X., Zhao, J., Yu, L., Li, F., Zhao, Z., & Yang, R.* (2022). Identifying ecosystem service value and potential loss of wilderness areas in China to support post-2020 global biodiversity conservation. Science of The Total Environment, 846, 157348.

[10] Cao, Y., Tseng, T. H., Wang, F., Jacobson, A., Yu, L., Zhao, J., Carver, S., Locke, H., Zhao, Z., & Yang, R.* (2022). Potential wilderness loss could undermine the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Biological Conservation, 275, 109753.

[11] Zhao, J. #, Cao, Y. #, Yu, L.*, Liu, X., Yang, R., & Gong, P. (2022). Future global conflict risk hotspots between biodiversity conservation and food security: 10 countries and 7 Biodiversity Hotspots. Global Ecology and Conservation, 34, e02036.

[12] Zhao, J. #, Cao, Y. #, & Yu, L.* (2021). Global Change of Land-Sparing and Land-Sharing Patterns over the Past 30 Years: Evidence from Remote Sensing and Statistics. Remote Sensing, 13(24), 5090.

[13] Qi, J., He, B. J.*, Cao, Y., Dong, J., & Lin, E. S. (2023). Risk assessment of terrestrial protected areas to extreme wind hazards: A case study in Queensland, Australia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2023, 240: 104888.

[14] Chen, X., Yu, L.*, Cao, Y., Xu, Y., Zhao, Z., Zhuang, Y., Liu, X., Yang, R., & Gong, P. (2023). Habitat quality dynamics in China's first group of national parks in recent four decades: Evidence from land use and land cover changes. Journal of Environmental Management, 325, 116505.

[15] Hou, S., Yang, R.*, Cao, Y., Zhao, Z., Peng, Q., Wang, H., & Si, Y. (2022). A framework for identifying bird conservation priority areas in croplands at national level. Journal of Environmental Management, 324, 116330.

[16] Wu, H., Fang, S., Yu, L.*, Hu, S., Chen, X., Cao, Y., Du, Z., Shen, X., Liu, X., & Ma, K. (2023). Limited co-benefits of protected areas in southwest China under current climate change and human modification. Journal of Environmental Management, 330, 117190.

[17] Carver, S.*, Convery, I., Hawkins, S., Beyers, R., Eagle, A., Kun, Z., Maanen, EV., Cao, Y., Fisher, M., Edwards, SR., Nelson, C., Gann, GD., Shurter, S., Aguilar, K., Andrade, A., Ripple, B., Davis, J.,  Sinclair, A., Bekoff, M., Noss, R., Foreman, D., Pettersson, H., Root-Bernstein, M., Svenning, JC., Taylor, P., Wynne-Jones, S., Featherstone, AW., Fløjgaard, C., Stanley-Price, M., Navarro, LM., Aykroyd, T., Parfitt, A.,  & Soulé, M. (2021). Guiding principles for rewilding. Conservation Biology, 35(6), 1882-1893.

[18] Yu, L.*#, Cao, Y. #, Cheng, Y., Zhao, Q., Xu, Y., Kanniah, K., Lu, H., Yang, R., & Gong, P. (2023). A study of the serious conflicts between oil palm expansion and biodiversity conservation using high-resolution remote sensing. Remote Sensing Letters, 14(6), 654-668.

[19] Zhao, J. #, Cao, Y. #, Yu, L.*, Liu, X., Shi, Y., Liu, X., Yang, R., & Gong, P. (2021). Identifying potential cropland losses when conserving 30% and 50% earth with different approaches and spatial scales. Land, 10(7), 704.

[20] Zhao, Z.#, Wang, P.#, Wang, X., Wang, F., Tseng, T. H., Cao, Y., Peng, Q., Hou, S., Peng, J., & Yang, R*. (2022). A Protected Area Connectivity Evaluation and Strategy Development Framework for Post-2020 Biodiversity Conservation. Land, 11(10), 1670.

[21] Zhong, Z.*, Feng, F., Li, J., Liu, X., Cao, Y., & Liao, Y. (2022). Making university and curricular sustainable entrepreneurship: a case study of Tsinghua University. Asia Pacific Education Review, 23(4), 559-569.

[22] Peng, Q., Yang, R.*, Cao, Y., Wang, F., Hou, S., Tseng, T. H., Wang, X., Wang, P., Zhao, Z., Yu, L., & Locke, H. (2021). One-third of lands face high conflict risk between biodiversity conservation and human activities in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 299, 113449.

[23] Zheng, Y., Wang, S.*, Cao, Y., Shi, J., Qu, Y., Li, L., Zhao, T., Niu, Z., Yang, R., & Gong, P. (2021). Assessing the ecological vulnerability of protected areas by using Big Earth Data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 14(11), 1624-1637.

[24] Yang, R.* #, Cao, Y. #, Hou, S., Peng, Q., Wang, X., Wang, F., Tseng, T., Yu, L., Carver, S., Convery, I., Zhao, Z., Shen, X., Li, S., Zheng, Y., Liu, H., Gong, P.*, & Ma, K. (2020). Cost-effective priorities for the expansion of global terrestrial protected areas: Setting post-2020 global and national targets. Science Advances, 6(37), eabc3436.

[25] Cao, Y., Yang, R.*, & Carver, S. (2020). Linking wilderness mapping and connectivity modelling: A methodological framework for wildland network planning. Biological Conservation, 251, 108679.

[26] Cao, Y., Carver, S., & Yang, R.* (2019). Mapping wilderness in China: Comparing and integrating Boolean and WLC approaches. Landscape and Urban Planning, 192, 103636.

[27] Cao, Y., Yang, R.*, Long, Y., & Carver, S. (2018). A preliminary study on mapping wilderness in mainland China. International Journal of Wilderness, 24(2).

[28] Lin Y., Liao, L.*, Cao, Y. (2024). Analysis of the characteristics of the planning and management of the national park trails in New Zealand and its implications. Natural Protected Areas(自然保护地), 4(01):25-41.

[29] Xue F., Lang Y., Cao, Y*, Hu S., Zhang B., Xia C. (2023). Urban Rewilding: State of the Art of Berlin's Urban Ecological Space Protection. Urban Planning Forum(城市规划学刊), (6):79-86.

[30] Liao, L., Lu, B., Cao, Y.* (2023). Spatial-temporal dynamics and spatial correlation analysis of landscape pattern and habitat quality in the Wuyi Mountain National Park region. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 39(12):21-27.

[31] Martin, V G., Locke, H., Cao, Y. *, Zhang, Q. (2023). Adaptive Planning and Management of Wilderness in National Parks: Insights from North America. Landscape Architecture(风景园林), 30(10): 20-33.

[32] Li, R., Zhong, Z.*, Cao, Y. (2023). An Exploration of Sustainability Competency Framework Design and Talent Cultivation Strategies. Journal of World Education(世界教育信息), 36(03):47-56.

[33] Cao, Y., Yang, R*. (2022). Systematic Conservation Strategies of China's Wilderness Areas under the Background of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 38(08),6-9

[34] Mu, X., Cao, Y., Zhu, Y.*. (2022). Manifesto of the Third Landscape: Constructed Wilderness by Landscape Architect Gilles Clement. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 38(08),30-35.

[35] Peng, L., He, Q., Cao, Y., Zhang, Y*. (2022). Research on the Optimization Path of Protected Area System in the Yangtze River Basin: Based on the Comparative Analysis of International Big River Basins. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 38(10),121-126.

[36] Wang, Z., Li, Z.*, Dong, S., Fang, M., Li, Y., Li, S., Wu, S., Ma, C., Ma, T., Cao, Y. (2022). Evolution of ecological patterns and its driving factors on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau over the past 40 years. Acta Ecologica Sinica(生态学报), 42(22):8941-8952.

[37] Zeng, Z., Chen, X., Cao, Y., Yang, R.*. (2021). Progress and Suggestions of Biodiversity Conservation on University Campuses. Environmental Protection(环境保护), 49(21),35-40.

[38] Hou, Y., Li, R., Cao, Y., Zhong, Z. (2021). Promoting Wilderness Education in China: Supporting Educational Innovation and Ecological Protection. Environmental Protection(环境保护), 49(21),41-47.

[39] Yang, R., Cao, Y. (2021). Rewilding: A new concept of ecological protection and restoration. Guangming Daily(光明日报), 23(9).

[40] Yang, R.*, Hou, S., Cao, Y. (2021). Shan-shui Landscape Creation in Ancient China: Wisdom and Practice. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 37(07),6-12

[41] Cao, Y., Hou, S., Zeng, Z., Wang, X., Wang, F., Zhao, Z., Yang, R*. (2020). Biodiversity conservation strategies for the Yellow River basin based on the Three Conditions Framework. Biodiversity Science(生物多样性), 28(12): 1447-1458.

[42] Cao, Y., Yang, R.*. (2020). Research on the International Wilderness Conservation Practices:From the Perspectives of Wilderness Mapping, Systematic Conservation and Connectivity Conservation. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 36(06),6-12

[43] Cao, Y., Yang, R.*. (2019). Vance M. Nature Needs Half: A New Vision for Global Protected Areas. Landscape Architecture(风景园林), 26(04),39-44

[44] Cao, Y., Vance, M., Yang, R*. (2019). Urban Wildness: Protection and Creation of Wild Nature in Urban Areas. Landscape Architecture(风景园林), 26(08),20-24 

[45] Yang, R.*, Cao, Y. (2019). Rewilding: New ideas for ecological protection and restoration projects of mountains-rivers-forests-farmlands-lakes-grasslands. Acta Ecologica Sinica(生态学报), 39(23):8763-8770.

[46] Yang, R.*, Peng, Q., Cao, Y., Zhong, L., Hou, S., Zhao, Z., Huang, C. (2019). Transformative changes and paths toward biodiversity conservation in China. Biodiversity Science(生物多样性), 27(9): 1032-1040.

[47] Luo, M., Cao, Y., Yang, R. (2019). The current situation and enlightenment of wilderness protection and rewilding. China Land(中国土地), (08),4-8.

[48] Yang, R.*, Cao, Y. (2018). Discussion on the Long-term Target of Protected Area Coverage in China, Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 34(7):5-12.

[49] Vance G. Martin., Yang, R., Cao Y. (2018). Establishing a Wilderness Protection System in China to Safeguard the Eco-civilization. Eco-Civilization New Era(生态文明新时代), (1):83-90.

[50] Yang, R., Cao, Y. (2018). Promoting wilderness protection in China with the opportunity of national parks. Guangming Daily(光明日报), 22(7).

[51] Cao, Y., Yang, R*. (2017). The Research Framework and Key Issues of Chinese Wilderness Studies. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 33(6):10-15.

[52] Cao, Y., Long, Y., Yang, R*. (2017). Research on the Identification and Spatial Distribution of Wilderness Areas at the National Scale in Mainland China. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), (6):26-33.

[53] Cao, Y., Yang, R*. (2017). The Establishment and Development of the National Wilderness Preservation System in the United States. Landscape Architecture(风景园林), (07),30-36. 

[54] Cao, Y., Yang, R*. (2017). Identification of Wilderness Areas from Global to China: Review and Prospect on Wilderness Mapping. Environmental Protection(环境保护), 45(14),39-44. 

[55] Cao, Y., Zhang, Z., Yang, R*. (2017). Wilderness Protection Strategies in the Context of Eco-civilization in China. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)(南京林业大学学报), 17(04),93-99.

[56] Cao, Y. (2017). Research and thoughts on the wilderness areas in US national parks. In: Wu C, editor. Exploration of the Model of Ecological Civilization and National Park System in China. Proceedings of the First Academic Seminar on Ecological Civilization and National Park System, 2016. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press(中国建筑工业出版社), 2017: 179-180.

[57] Yang, R., Cao, Y. (2017). How to advance the construction of national parks? Enhance scientific awareness and support scientific research. People and Biodiversity(人与生物圈), 106(4):28-29.

[58] Yang, R., Cao, Y. (2017). Brief history of national park science. People and Biodiversity(人与生物圈), 106(4):66-67.

[59] Wei, F., Ma, Z., Ye, J., Song, S., Cao, Y*. (2017). Enlightenment of Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City Landscape lnnovation Design. Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry(中国城市林业), (6):33-37.

[60] Cao, Y., Long, Y. (2016). Hu Huanyong Line and China's Wilderness Pattern. National Geographic China(中国国家地理), (10):162.

[61] Liao, L., Yang, R.*, Cao, Y. (2016). A Review on India's Protected Area Network and Management System. Chinese Landscape Architecture(中国园林), 32(7):31-35.

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